About Us

Agricultural Industry Development Support Institute for Southern Africa(AIDSISA), is an Agricultural research and development institute that aims at providing the Agricultural Sector stakeholders with information and resources necessary to better understand developments in the Agriculture Industry in Southern Africa. The incentive for AIDSISA is the prospect of playing an important role in the revival of the economy through policy-related research and information, capacity building, dialogue, networking and seminars for players in Agricultural sector.


To Provide and ensure the availability of accurate, reliable up-to-date information on development in the agriculture industry and related sectors for the benefit of key stakeholders in Southern Africa.


To enhanace the capacity of agriculture sector stakeholders, including farmers in Southern Africa and improve cooperation between the agriculture sector in Southern Africa and International agriculture lobbyists and advocates.


Activities Of The Institute


Carrying out research in the fields related to the objectives of the institute, both independently, and , in co-operation with scientific and research centers inside and outside the region.


Provision of training and capacity building initiatives for stakeholders in the agriculture sector and in accordance to the objectives of the institute.


Interrogate scope of viable alternatives to crop growing and usage in the country and the promotion of alternative energy sources to preserve and protect the environment.

Establishing Links

The establishment of active and constructive links between the institute and other lobbying institutes and scientific societies, both inside and outside the region, by holding conferences, exchanging researcher work, and carrying out joint capacity building initiatives.


Co-operation with universities and higher education centers, research institutes, and other institutions of the country to advance the aims of the institute by rendering them different forms of assistance, accepting their research projects, and providing opportunities for sabbatical leave within the institute.


Facilitate debate on key issues and policy matters affecting the agriculture industry in the country and the region.


Executive Director’s Interest In Agriculture

The founder of the project is Dr. Jeffrey Takawira Ncube. Dr Jeffrey Takawira Ncube worked as Head of membership development, Marketing and communications at Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce. He later rose to become Chief Executive Officer for a period of 4 years. He founded AIDSISA in 2019.

Dr. JT Ncube is a commercial farmer in Darwendale, Zimbabwe with keen interest in maize, potatoes, and tobacco production. He is also the founder and executive chairman of JT Holdings Africa with interests in transport and logistics, motor spares, mining and timber processing. He brings (to AGRICULTURAL INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT INSTITUTE OF SOUTHERN AFRICA) his tried and tested expertise in agriculture as well as marketing communications expertise.

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Seeking To Develop Agriculture Industry.


Access to Foreign Markets

Southern Africa is typically a net importer of agricultural products. In recent years imports have been largely driven by demand for diverse food and agricultural products and the changing tastes and preferences of a more connected, global society. Increased urbanization is driving demand for convenient and ready-to-eat foods. As a result, the number of restaurants, bars, and cafes (including U.S. and local fast food chains) is growing as dining out becomes more popular throughout the region, especially in South Africa.



Mechanised agriculture is the process of using agricultural machinery to mechanise the work of agriculture, greatly increasing farm worker productivity. In modern times, powered machinery has replaced many farm jobs formerly carried out by manual labour or by working animals such as oxen, horses and mules which is why the institute want to eliminate.